Mohammad Abass is a dentist, passionate about dental health with specialization in general dentistry. His mission is to help patients keep their teeth healthy and prevent any oral disease.

After completing her dental studies, he decided to specialize in general dentistry to be able to treat a wide range of dental conditions.

I enjoy working with patients of all ages and providing personalized treatment tailored to each patient's needs and requirements. Always encourages open communication and is always available to answer any questions or concerns patients may have.

During treatments, they make sure patients feel comfortable and safe. They explain each step of the treatment in detail to give them a clear understanding of what is happening at the time of the procedures.

Outside of the office she likes to relax to start a new day with fresh strength. She believes that a healthy lifestyle also contributes to good oral health. He is also always learning new things about dentistry, so h is always up to date with the latest techniques and treatments.